국내 맥류재배지의 바이러스병 발생과 분포 |
박종철, 서재환, 최민경, 이귀재, 김형무 |
The Incidence and Distribution of Viral Diseases in Barley Fields in Korea |
Jong Chul Park, Jae Hwan Seo, Min Kyung Choi, Kui Jae Lee, Hyung Moo Kim |
Abstract |
The symptom expressions such as yellowish and mosaic spots in overwintering barley have been considered to be a damage by cold or water. However, it had revealed that the symptom expressions were caused by viruses throughout three year nationwide surveys. Barley yellow mosaic virus (BaYMV), Barley mild mosaic virus (BaMMV), and Soil-borne wheat mosaic virus (SBWMV) was detected in 2001-2003 and Barley yellow dwarf virus-MAV (BYDV-MAV) from field samples collected on March in 2003. The results of investigation showed that the incidence of BaYMV was more than 70% and that of BaMMV and SBWMV was 15.7-37.4% and 0.7-10.1% in three year surveys, respectively. The incidence of BYDV-MAV was approximately 1% in 2003 only. The distribution of BaYMV was relatively uniform throughout barley fields in Korea, but the incidence of the virus in Gyunggi Province was as low as 19% compared to 65-85% in the rest of regions. On the other hand, 70% of BaMMV was found to be in the west south regions of Korea, Jeonbuk and Jeonnam Provinces. Taken together, both BaYMV and BaMMV were thought to be dominant casual agents in overwintering barley by either single or mixed infections. Previous survey data for BaYMV from 1994 to 1996 indicated that the incidence of the virus was approximately 40% in Jeonbuk, Jeonnam, and Gyungnam Provinces. Thus, comparing with the results from the recent nationwide survey, the incidence of BaYMV had been rapidly increasing in overwintering barley fields in the southern part of Korea. |
Key Words:
BaYMV, barley, viral diseases |