Author’s checklist

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  • Author’s checklist

Authors preparing manuscripts should follow these instructions and use the checklist provided at the end of these instructions as a guide. Authors must submit a manuscript to Research in Plant Disease (RPD) website at All text, including tables, should be submitted as word processing documents, and figures should be uploaded as TIFF, EPS, or JPG format. Each manuscript should be accompanied by a cover letter from the corresponding author who outlines the significance of the findings of the paper. Authors may recommend individuals to review a manuscript, and they may ask that certain individuals not review manuscript. Reason requesting exclusions should be given in the cover letter.

Manuscripts are accepted for review with the understanding that no substantial portion of the study has been published or under consideration for publication elsewhere and that its submission for publication has been approved by all of the authors or by the institution where the work was carried out. The prerequisites for publication will be originality, clarity, and significance as relevant to a better understanding of plant pathology. Full-length original Research Articles, Research Notes, and Reviews will be published.

Upon acceptance of the manuscript, the corresponding author will be notified on the decision of the reviews in 4 to 5 weeks. Corresponding author receiving reviews and editorial recommendations for revision of a manuscript has 2 months to complete revision and return the manuscript in the editor otherwise it may be considered withdrawn.

  • • Use double-spaced including tables and figures (a minimum of 6 mm between lines), line-numbered on paper size 8.5×11-inches or A4. Margins of at least 1 inch on all four sides. Typescript is 12 point.
  • • First author name and page number of each page.
  • • Tables on separate numbered pages after Reference section.
  • • Captions for figures on a separate numbered page follow tables.
  • • Title. Does not exceed 100 characters including spaces.
  • • Author names, affiliations, and address are given in separate paragraphs and listed number the title.
  • • Corresponding author name and e-mail address given before abstract.
  • • Abstracts. Limited to 200 words in one paragraph.
  • • Keywords. Up to 5 keywords in alphabetic order. Not in the title or abstract but in the text and would be useful for indexing or searching.
  • • Organization of text. Major sections are Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, Acknowledgement, and References.
  • • References. Listed in alphabetical order by authors’ sur-names. Citations in the text given by authors’ surname and year published.
  • • Tables. Should be numbered consecutively in order of appearance in the text. Labeled with table number, and first author’s name.
  • • Figures. Prepare figures for same size reproductions (88 or 183 mm) and use consistent font size and style for all figures. Each illustration is labeled with figure number and first author's name.
Supporting Material
  • • Cover letter identifying name of the corresponding author with address, phone and fax numbers, and e-mail address. Include statements that all authors have approved its submission to the RPD. May provide names and addresses of potential reviewers or request an exclusion of certain reviewers with justification.
  • • Letter of acceptance provided for all “in press” citations.
  • • Permission granted for copyrighted material.
  • • Voucher cultures and specimens deposited in recognized collections. Accession numbers obtained for nucleotide and/or amino acid sequences.

Research in
Plant Disease

Online ISSN: 2233-9191

Editorial Office
Rm,904 (New Bldg.) The Korean Science & Technology Center 22, Teheran-ro 7-gil, Gangnam-gu, Seoul 06130, Korea
Tel: +82-2-557-9360    Fax: +82-2-557-9361    E-mail:                

Copyright © 2025 by The Korean Society of Plant Pathology.

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