국내 얼룩반점 자두에서 발생한 호프왜화바이로이드(HSVd)의 유전자 변이 |
조인숙, 정봉남, 조점덕, 최승국, 최국선, 김정수 |
Hop stunt viroid (HSVd) Sequence Variants from Dapple Fruits of Plum (Prunus salicina L.) in Korea |
In Sook Cho, Bong Nam Chung, Jeom Doeg Cho, Seung Kook Choi, Gug Seoun Choi, Jeong Soo Kim |
Abstract |
Dapple fruits of plum cv. Oiishiwase (Prunus salicina L.) were occurred at Gyeonggi-do and Gyeongsangbukdo. The symptoms resembled the dapple fruit disease caused by Hop stunt viroid (HSVd). To identify the causal disease agents, RT-PCR was performed with the specific primers of HSVd. RT-PCR analysis showed that HSVd variants (DP1, DP2) were detected from dapple fruits. HSVd detection was also confirmed by the dot blot hybridization using a DIG-probe specific to HSVd. Nucleotide sequences of DP1 and DP2 had the identities of 94.100% with those of other 7 variants of HSVd in Genbank database. DP1 and DP2 were different in two nucleotides of CG and AA at position of 59 and 60, orderly. Based on nucleotide sequences at position of 59 and 60, HSVd variants associated with plum dapple fruits could be divided mainly into three groups as CG, AA and TG. |
Key Words:
Dapple fruits, HSVd, Plum, Sequence analysis |