2009년산 옥수수와 벼에서의 Fusarium 곰팡이독소 자연발생량 조사 |
이승호, 손승완, 남영주, 신진영, 이수형, 김미자, 윤종철, 류재기, 이데레사 |
Natural Occurrence of Fusarium Mycotoxins in Field-collected Maize and Rice in Korea in 2009 |
Seung Ho Lee, Seung Wan Son, Young Ju Nam, Jean Young Shin, Soo Hyung Lee, Mija Kim, Jong Chul Yun, Jae Gee Ryu, Theresa Lee |
Abstract |
To detect Fusarium mycotoxins, grain samples were collected from 32 rice fields all over the country and from 19 maize fields in eastern and midland provinces in Korea in 2009. Maize contamination with Fusarium species (54.9%) was higher than in rice (8.2%). Using Fusarium species specific PCR primer sets (Fg16 and VERT), 58 and 354 of total 506 isolates from maize samples were putatively identified as F. graminearum (11.5%) and F. verticillioides (70.0%), respectively. From rice samples, 276 of 315 isolates (87.8%) were putatively identified as F. graminearum but F. verticillioides was not identified. LC or LC-MS analysis of the samples revealed that fumonisin was the most commonly detected mycotoxin in maize samples but its level was below the regulation limit. Only two maize samples were contaminated with deoxynivalenol and zearalenone at the levels above the regulation limit. In rice samples, contamination with zearalenone was common but the levels were below the regulation limit. This study showed that most of the Korean maize and rice samples collected in 2009 were contaminated with Fusarium mycotoxins but the levels were below the Korean regulations for deoxynivalenol, fumonisin and zearalenone. |
Key Words:
F. graminearum, F. verticillioides, Mycotoxin, Natural occurrence |