Increasing Incidence of Apple Valsa Canker and Predominance of Cytospora mali in Gyeongsangbuk-do, South Korea

Article information

Res. Plant Dis. 2024;30(4):325-334
Publication date (electronic) : 2024 December 31
doi :
1Apple Research Center, National Institute of Horticultural & Herbal Science, Gunwi 43100, Korea
2Department of Plant Medicine, Kyungpook National University, Daegu 41566, Korea
3Institute of Plant Medicine, Kyungpook National University, Daegu 41566, Korea
*Corresponding authors D.-H. Lee Tel: +82-54-380-3102 Fax: +82-54-380-3125 E-mail: H.-Y Jung Tel: +82-53-950-5760 Fax: +82-53-950-6758 E-mail:
Received 2024 August 27; Revised 2024 October 1; Accepted 2024 October 2.


From 2015 to 2023, a survey was conducted to determine the occurrence of apple Valsa canker disease in major apple-producing regions in Korea. Infected branches were collected for the isolation and identification of the pathogens. During the survey period, a total of 38 fungal strains were isolated from trees infected with apple Valsa canker disease. A phylogenetic analysis using a combined dataset of the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region and large subunit (LSU), actin (act1), RNA polymerase II (rpb2), and translation elongation factor 1-α (tef1-α) gene sequences was performed, identifying all of the isolates as Cytospora mali. According to the survey, the average annual incidence rate of apple Valsa canker disease was 2.8%. The infection rate was 2.2% in 2015, and it showed a decreasing trend until 2017. However, in 2018, the incidence rate began to gradually increase, reaching 4.2% in 2022 and sharply rising to 6.8% in 2023. The increasing incidence of apple Valsa canker disease is causing significant economic damage to apple producers, highlighting the need for effective control measures. Although a total of 21 pathogen species causing apple Valsa canker disease have been reported in East Asia, this study confirmed that C. mali is the dominant species causing the disease in Korea.


Apple Valsa canker disease significantly affects apple trees in East Asia (Gao and Liu, 1995; Sakuma, 1990). The pathogen infects trees through wounds caused by pruning or frost damage, leading to canker formation and eventual tree death (Ke et al., 2013; Won et al., 1972). The genus Cytospora, which includes the causal agents of apple Valsa canker disease, has been reported on over 85 plant species globally, causing substantial damage to various fruit and nut trees, including peach (Prunus persica) and walnut (Juglans spp.) (Wang et al., 2020). In apple trees (Malus spp.), 21 Cytospora species have been documented (Wang et al., 2020). Initially identified as Valsa mali (Ideta, 1909), the disease was referred to as “apple Valsa canker” based on its sexual stage (Valsa). Although the asexual stage was named Cytospora, the traditional name continued to be used (Kobayashi, 1970; Vasilyeva and Kim, 2000). Recently, the nomenclature has shifted towards using Cytospora, and the accepted name is currently Cytospora mali (Rossman et al., 2015). In Korea, C. mali was first recorded in 1919, and severe outbreaks with infection rates exceeding 30% occurred in the 1970s, significantly impacting domestic apple production and causing extensive economic losses (Kim et al., 1970).

Traditionally, the identification and classification of Cytospora species were based on host associations and morphological characteristics. Given the morphological similarities among Cytospora species, the sequence analysis of internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region has become crucial for accurate identification (Adams et al., 2004). However, the ITS region alone has been insufficient to differentiate all species within the genus, leading to the conclusion that additional genetic markers are required (Wang et al., 2020). Recent advancements have expanded the use of genetic markers, incorporating the nuclear ribosomal large subunit (LSU), actin (act1), RNA polymerase II (rpb2), and translation elongation factor 1-α (tef1-α) genes to enhance the taxonomic resolution of these species (Azizi et al., 2024; Fan et al., 2020).

This study investigates the occurrence patterns of apple Valsa canker disease in Korea by isolating pathogens from branches collected during the survey period from 2015 to 2023. By accurately identifying the isolated pathogens at the species level through phylogenetic analysis, we aim to determine the phylogenetic positions of the pathogens occurring in Korea, which provides foundational data for the development of disease management and control strategies.

Materials and Methods

Survey of apple Valsa canker disease occurrence.

The survey of apple Valsa canker disease occurrence was conducted by the Apple Research Center of the Rural Development Administration and took place over 9 years from 2015 to 2023 in eight major apple-producing regions in Korea: six in Gyeongsangbuk-do, Andong-si, Yeongcheon-si, Yeongju-si, Cheongsong-gun, Gunwi-gun, and Uiseong-gun; Geochang-gun in Gyeongsangnam-do; and Jangsu-gun in Jeollabuk-do. The survey was carried out according to the methods specified in the Guidelines for Crop Disease and Pest Control (Rural Development Administration, 2020) issued by the Rural Development Administration. The disease survey was conducted at 30-day intervals from February to late October each year. At each farm, branches from 100 trees around the survey site were selected to identify infected branches and calculate the infection rate (%). The percentage of infected trees was calculated using the equation disease incidence = (infected trees / 100 trees) × 100. Although there were changes in the surveyed orchards over the lengthy survey period, to the extent possible, efforts were made to conduct the surveys at the same locations. Disease diagnosis was performed by visually inspecting the branches for symptoms and signs, and if necessary, morphological and molecular biological diagnoses were also conducted.

Isolation of apple Valsa canker pathogens.

The strains used in this study were isolated from branches showing canker symptoms in the Gyeongsangbuk-do region during the disease survey. The collected samples were cut at the canker site with a scalpel, surface-sterilized with 70% ethanol and 1% NaOCl, rinsed with distilled water, and then plated on potato dextrose agar (PDA) medium. The plates were incubated at 25°C for 1–2 days. The leading edge of any growing mycelium was then transferred to fresh PDA medium to isolate pure cultures, which were used for the experiments. A total of 38 isolates were obtained: three in Andong, one in Yeongcheon, two in Yeongju, two in Cheongsong, 24 in Gunwi, and six in Uiseong (Supplementary Table 1).

Identification of apple Valsa canker pathogens.

For phylogenetic analysis, total genomic DNA was extracted from the isolated strains. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was performed using the primer pair ITS1F/ITS4 to amplify the ITS region, a commonly used molecular marker for fungal identification (White et al., 1990). Additionally, PCR was performed using primer pairs for four genes recently shown to improve Cytospora species identification: LROR/LR7 (LSU gene) (Vilgalys and Hester, 1990), ACT512F/ACT783R (act1 gene) (Carbone and Kohn, 1999), RPB2-5F2/fRPB2-7cR (rpb2 gene) (Liu et al., 1999; Sung et al., 2007), and EF1-728F/EF-2 (tef1-α gene) (Carbone and Kohn, 1999; O'Donnell et al., 1998). The amplified PCR products were purified using ExoSAP-IT (GE Healthcare, Buckinghamshire, UK) and sequenced by Macrogen (Daejeon, Korea). The obtained sequences were compared to apple Valsa canker pathogen strains registered in GenBank using BLAST searches of the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) database. Sequences were aligned using CLUSTAL W (Larkin et al., 2007), and a phylogenetic analysis based on the ITS region alone was performed using the maximum likelihood (ML) method (Felsenstein, 1981) in MEGA 7 (Kumar et al., 2016). Diaporthe eres was used as an outgroup, and branch supports were computed using bootstrap analysis with 1,000 resamples. The sequences of the five molecular markers used to identify the causative agents of apple Valsa canker disease were concatenated in the order presented above, and an ML phylogenetic tree was constructed to analyze the phylogenetic relationships within Cytospora using the same methods. Maximum-likelihood analysis was performed using the nearest-neighbor interchange heuristic search method and Kimura's two-parameter model (Kimura, 1980).

Results and Discussion

Apple Valsa canker disease occurrence.

In the survey of apple Valsa canker disease, visually observable symptoms were consistently observed across all regions. When apple Valsa canker disease affected apple trees, the disease typically progressed from the infection site towards the branch ends (Fig. 1A-C), ultimately leading to tree death in most cases. As the disease progressed, becoming more severe, the bark turned brown and peeled off easily and the infected areas swelled slightly (Fig. 1D,E). In cases where the disease occurred on lateral branches, there were often signs of nearby pruning, and the disease progressed from the pruning site towards the branch end or downward (Fig. 1F). In areas infected for longer periods, the size of the black pycnidia increased, and yellow thread-like cirrhi were exuded (Fig. 1G,H). Furthermore, when trees were completely killed by apple Valsa canker disease, Schizophyllum commune was found to develop around the canker area (Melzer and Berton, 1988) (Fig. 1I).

Fig. 1.

Symptoms of apple Valsa canker disease on apple trees. (A-C) Trees with apple canker disease showing dieback of the branches. (D-F) The lesion area turns brown, the bark peels off, and black pycnidia are formed. (G, H) After a sufficient infection period, yellow thread-like cirrhi form and the black pycnidia increase in size. (I) Once a tree is completely dead, Schizophyllum commune sporo-carps appear on the cankered area.

The survey was conducted from 2015 to 2023 to monitor the infection rates of apple Valsa canker disease, and an average annual infection rate of 2.83% was determined. At the beginning of the survey, in 2015, the infection rate was relatively high at 2.20% (Fig. 2). After this period, the infection rates first decreased, reaching as low as around 0.9% in 2016 and 2017, marking the lowest rates observed during the survey period. However, in 2018, the infection rate increased to 3.88%. Higher incidence rates persisted from 2019 to 2022, with the infection rate rising to 4.16% in 2022, and then incidence sharply increased to 6.79% in 2023, nearly three times the average annual infection rate. Thus, the infection rate in 2023 was the highest recorded in the past 9 years.

Fig. 2.

Apple Valsa canker incidence in apple orchards from 2015 to 2023, showing the annual incidence of the disease.

The results of this study indicate that apple Valsa canker disease incidence was low, around 0.9%, in 2016 and 2017, but has been increasing sharply since 2018. Several factors likely contributed to this rising rate of infection. One major factor is the restriction on the supply of the pesticide Neoasozin imposed by the Rural Development Administration due to concerns about misuse and potential hazards. Neoasozin was an important fungicide for controlling apple Valsa canker disease (Uhm and Sohn, 1995), and its reduced availability may have led to insufficient disease management. Additionally, other fungicides, such as thiophanate-methyl and iminoctadine triacetate, while effective, are costly and less convenient to use, limiting their adoption by farmers. The high cost of these fungicides may deter farmers from using them regularly or in sufficient quantities, reducing the effectiveness of disease control. Furthermore, these fungicides may require specific application techniques or equipment that are not readily available or feasible for all farmers, further limiting their use. Although this study did not specifically investigate the potential factors behind the increasing incidence of apple Valsa canker, it is possible that agronomic practices, such as leaving infected branches in orchards after pruning, improper sanitation of tools, and changing environmental conditions, may have contributed to the rise in infections, as suggested by previous research (Cheon et al., 2018). Overall, our findings underscore the need for continuous monitoring and effective disease management strategies to mitigate the economic impact of apple Valsa canker disease in Korea.

Molecular and phylogenetic analysis of apple Valsa canker disease isolates.

To identify the species and determine the taxonomic positions of the apple canker pathogens occurring in domestic apple trees, 38 isolates collected during the survey period were analyzed. Sequence analysis of the ITS region, the most fundamental marker for fungal classification, revealed that the nucleotide sequences of all isolates were identical. The GenBank database search confirmed that these isolates had the highest match with C. mali. Therefore, out of the 38 isolates, one collected in 2015, the first year of the survey period, and one collected in 2023, the last year of the survey period, were selected for further analysis and named ARI-15-US and ARI-23-GW, respectively. Additionally, to accurately determine these isolate's taxonomic positions, a phylogenetic analysis was performed using the five molecular markers currently used to accurately distinguish species within the genus Cytospora.

A phylogenetic re-identification of the two isolates from this study based on the ITS region nucleotide sequences of the 12 species known to cause apple Valsa canker disease in apple trees in East Asia (Wang et al., 2020) was conducted (Table 1). The resulting phylogenetic tree revealed that ARI-15-US and ARI-23-GW formed a clade with the two C. mali sequences. However, phylogenetic trees based solely on the ITS region have limitations, for example, in our analysis, C. mali-sylvestris MFLUCC 16-0638 and C. melostoma A 846 formed a cluster, making it impossible to distinguish between the two strains (Fig. 3). Therefore, to more accurately determine phylogenetic relationships in Cytospora, partial sequences of the LSU, act1, rpb2, and tef1-α genes, which have, along with the ITS sequence, recently been shown to collectively differentiate species within the genus Cytospora, were utilized. No differences were observed in the ITS region sequences among the 38 isolates, and a search of the LSU, act1, rpb2, and tef1-α gene sequences in the NCBI database showed nearly 100% homology with Cytospora mali. However, small variations in the LSU, act1, rpb2, and tef1-α gene sequences were detected among the 38 isolates, and two strains with the most noticeable differences, ARI-15-US and ARI-23-GW, were selected for further analysis. To determine whether these sequence variations were significant enough to distinguish between the two strains at the species level and to ensure the accurate identification of ARI-15-US and ARI-23-GW, a phylogenetic analysis was conducted using Cytospora species for which sequences of all five molecular markers were available in the NCBI database (Table 2). This analysis used concatenated sequences of the ITS region and LSU, act1, rpb2, and tef1-α genes, resulting in a combined dataset of 44 sequences, each 2,167 bp long. Diaporthe eres (CBS 145040) was used as the outgroup. The phylogenetic tree revealed that ARI-15-US and ARI-23-GW formed a distinct clade with other C. mali strains (Fig. 4).

Strains of 12 Cytospora species found on apple (Malus sp.) hosts and used in our analysis, along with the host species and country of their isolation, and their ITS sequence GenBank accession numbers

Fig. 3.

Maximum-likelihood phylogenetic tree based solely on the internal transcribed spacer region showcasing the relationships among 12 Cytospora species known to infect apple trees (Malus spp.) in East Asia. Bootstrap values (based on 1,000 resamples) greater than 60% are displayed at the branching points. The two strains from this study, ARI-15-US and ARI-23-GW, are indicated in bold. Diaporthe eres CBS 145040 was used as the outgroup. The scale bar represents 0.010 substitutions per nucleotide position.

Strains of Cytospora spp. used in this study, the host and country of their isolation, and the GenBank accession numbers of the sequences used

Fig. 4.

Maximum-likelihood phylogenetic tree based on the concatenated sequences of the internal transcribed spacer region and large subunit, actin, RNA polymerase II, and translation elongation factor 1-α genes showing the relationship between Cytospora mali (including the two strains from this study, ARI-15-US and ARI-23-GW, in bold) and other Cytospora species. Bootstrap values (based on 1,000 resamples) greater than 60% are displayed at the branch points. Diaporthe eres CBS 145040 was used as the outgroup. The scale bar represents 0.020 substitutions per nucleotide position.

In Korea, since the discovery of the pathogen C. mali causing apple Valsa canker disease in apple trees in 1919 (Kim et al., 1970), no other species of the genus Cytospora have been reported to our knowledge. However, a total of 21 species in the genus Cytospora that cause disease in apples have been reported in East Asia. Given the sharp increase in the incidence of apple Valsa canker disease in 2023 and, thus, a growing need for effective control measures, it is important to investigate the potential presence of Cytospora species other than C. mali in domestic orchards. Therefore, this study aimed to identify all 38 isolates collected during the survey period and determine the specific species involved. As all 38 isolates possessed identical ITS regions, a more detailed phylogenetic analysis was conducted using four additional genetic markers (LSU, act1, rpb2, tef1-α), which has recently been deemed essential for accurate Cytospora taxonomy. The phylogenetic tree constructed using all five markers showed that the isolates formed a single clade with C. mali, confirming that C. mali is the predominant species causing apple Valsa canker disease in Korea.

In the survey conducted from 2015 to 2023 in major apple-producing regions in Korea, the highest incidence of apple Valsa canker disease was recorded in 2023, indicating an increasing trend in disease occurrence. This trend suggests that the incidence may continue to rise in the future. While 21 species are known to cause Valsa canker in apples in East Asia, this study identified only one species, Cytospora mali, in Korea. Although it cannot be definitively concluded that other fungal species do not contribute to the disease, it is clear that C. mali is the dominant species. This finding provides essential baseline data for establishing effective control strategies against apple Valsa canker disease.


Conflicts of Interest

No potential conflict of interest relevant to this article was reported.


This work was carried out with the support of the “Cooperative Research Program for Agriculture Science and Technology Development (Project No. PJ01718302)” funded by the Rural Development Administration, Republic of Korea.

Electronic Supplementary Material

Supplementary materials are available at Research in Plant Disease website (


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Article information Continued

Fig. 1.

Symptoms of apple Valsa canker disease on apple trees. (A-C) Trees with apple canker disease showing dieback of the branches. (D-F) The lesion area turns brown, the bark peels off, and black pycnidia are formed. (G, H) After a sufficient infection period, yellow thread-like cirrhi form and the black pycnidia increase in size. (I) Once a tree is completely dead, Schizophyllum commune sporo-carps appear on the cankered area.

Fig. 2.

Apple Valsa canker incidence in apple orchards from 2015 to 2023, showing the annual incidence of the disease.

Fig. 3.

Maximum-likelihood phylogenetic tree based solely on the internal transcribed spacer region showcasing the relationships among 12 Cytospora species known to infect apple trees (Malus spp.) in East Asia. Bootstrap values (based on 1,000 resamples) greater than 60% are displayed at the branching points. The two strains from this study, ARI-15-US and ARI-23-GW, are indicated in bold. Diaporthe eres CBS 145040 was used as the outgroup. The scale bar represents 0.010 substitutions per nucleotide position.

Fig. 4.

Maximum-likelihood phylogenetic tree based on the concatenated sequences of the internal transcribed spacer region and large subunit, actin, RNA polymerase II, and translation elongation factor 1-α genes showing the relationship between Cytospora mali (including the two strains from this study, ARI-15-US and ARI-23-GW, in bold) and other Cytospora species. Bootstrap values (based on 1,000 resamples) greater than 60% are displayed at the branch points. Diaporthe eres CBS 145040 was used as the outgroup. The scale bar represents 0.020 substitutions per nucleotide position.

Table 1.

Strains of 12 Cytospora species found on apple (Malus sp.) hosts and used in our analysis, along with the host species and country of their isolation, and their ITS sequence GenBank accession numbers

Species Strain Host GenBank information
Origin ITS accession number
Cytospora chrysosperma YSFL Malus pumila China JN545841
Cytospora chrysosperma 233-1 Malus pumila Iran EF447324
Cytospora cincta 190 Malus pumila Iran EF447352
Cytospora cincta 156 Malus pumila Iran EF447405
Cytospora leucostoma 32-2w Malus pumila China JN584644
Cytospora leucostoma CBS 376.29 Malus domestica Japan AF191186
Cytospora mali CFCC 50044 Malus sp. China KR045637
Cytospora mali CFCC 50028 Malus sp. China MH933641
Cytospora mali ARI-15-USa Malus domestica Korea PP974558
Cytospora mali ARI-23-GWa Malus domestica Korea PP974557
Cytospora mali-spectabilis CFCC 53181T Malus spectabilis ‘Royalty’ China MK673066
Cytospora mali-sylvestris MFLUCC 16-0638 Malus sylvestris Russia KY885017
Cytospora melnikii MFLUCC 15-0851T Malus domestica Russia KY417735
Cytospora melostoma A 846 Malus domestica USA AF191184
Cytospora nivea XJAU_254 Malus sp. China MG879497
Cytospora parasitica PG262-2-2 Malus pumila China KY224002
Cytospora pyri GSZY113 Malus pumila China GU174589
Cytospora schulzeri CFCC 50040 Malus domestica China KR045649
Cytospora schulzeri CFCC 50042 Malus pumila China KR045650
Diaporthe eres CBS 145040 Lactuca satia Netherlands MK442579

means the type strain.

ITS, internal transcribed spacer.


The strain isolated in this study.

Table 2.

Strains of Cytospora spp. used in this study, the host and country of their isolation, and the GenBank accession numbers of the sequences used

Species Strain Host Origin GenBank accession numbers
ITS LSU act1 rpb2 tef1-α
Cytospora ailanthicola CFCC 89970T Ailanthus altissima China MH933618 MH933653 MH933526 MH933592 MH933494
Cytospora albodisca CFCC 53161T Platycladus orientalis China MW418406 MW418418 MW422899 MW422909 MW422921
Cytospora balanejica IRAN 4419CT Malus domestica Iran MZ948960 MZ948957 MZ997842 MZ997845 MZ997848
Cytospora berberidis CFCC 89927T Berberis dasystachya China KR045620 KR045702 KU710990 KU710948 KU710913
Cytospora bungeana CFCC 50495T Pinus bungeana China MH933621 MH933656 MH933529 MH933593 MH933497
Cytospora celtidicola CFCC 50497T Celtis sinensis China MH933623 MH933658 MH933531 MH933595 MH933499
Cytospora ceratospermopsis CFCC 89626T Juglans regia China KR045647 KR045726 KU711011 KU710978 KU710934
Cytospora chiangmaiensis MFLUCC 21-0049T Shorea sp. Thailand MZ356514 MZ356518 MZ451157 MZ451165 MZ451161
Cytospora chrysosperma CFCC 89981 Populus alba subsp. pyramidalis China MH933625 MH933660 MH933533 MH933597 MH933501
Cytospora cincta CFCC 89956 Prunus cerasifera China KR045624 KR045704 KU710993 KU710953 KU710916
Cytospora cotoneastricola CF 20197031T Cotoneaster sp. China MK673075 MK673105 MK673045 MK673015 MK672961
Cytospora discostoma CFCC 53137T Platycladus orientalis China MW418404 MW418416 MW422897 MW422907 MW422919
Cytospora donglingensis CFCC 53159T Platycladus orientalis China MW418412 MW418424 MW422903 MW422915 MW422927
Cytospora euonymicola CFCC 50499T Euonymus kiautschovicus China MH933628 MH933662 MH933535 MH933598 MH933503
Cytospora euonymina CFCC 89993T Euonymus kiautschovicus China MH933630 MH933664 MH933537 MH933600 MH933505
Cytospora gigalocus CFCC 89620T Juglans regia China KR045628 KR045708 KU710997 KU710957 KU710920
Cytospora gigaspora CFCC 89634T Salix psammophila China KF765671 KF765687 KU711000 KU710960 KU710923
Cytospora hippophaicola CBS 147584T Hippophae rhamnoides Czech Republic MZ702814 MZ702873 MZ712150 MZ712160 MZ712155
Cytospora juniperina CFCC 50501T Juniperus przewalskii China MH933632 MH933666 MH933539 MH933602 MH933507
Cytospora leucosperma CFCC 89622 Pyrus bretschneideri China KR045616 KR045698 KU710988 KU710944 KU710911
Cytospora leucostoma CFCC 53140 Prunus sibirica China MN854445 MN854656 MN850760 MN850746 MN850753
Cytospora mali CFCC 50031 Crataegus sp. China KR045636 KR045716 KU711004 KU710965 KU710927
Cytospora mali CFCC 50030 Malus pumila China MH933643 MH933677 MH933550 MH933608 MH933524
Cytospora mali ARI-15-USa Malus domestica Korea PP974558 PP976972 LC830507 LC830505 LC830509
Cytospora mali ARI-23-GWa Malus domestica Korea PP974557 PP976971 LC830506 LC830504 LC830508
Cytospora mali-spectabilis CFCC 53181T Malus spectabilis ‘Royalty’ China MK673066 MK673096 MK673036 MK673006 MK672953
Cytospora nivea CFCC 89641 Elaeagnus angustifolia China KF765683 KF765699 KU711006 KU710967 KU710929
Cytospora ochracea CFCC 53164T Cotoneaster sp. China MK673060 MK673090 MK673030 MK673001 MK672949
Cytospora olivacea CFCC 53176T Sorbus tianschanica China MK673068 MK673098 MK673038 MK673008 MK672955
Cytospora pavettae CBS 145562T Pavetta revoluta South Africa MK876386 MK876427 MK876457 MK876483 MK876497
Cytospora phitsanulokensis MFLUCC 21-0046T unidentifed decaying leaves Thailand MZ356517 MZ356521 MZ451160 MZ451168 MZ451164
Cytospora piceae CFCC 52841T Picea crassifolia China MH820398 MH820391 MH820406 MH820395 MH820402
Cytospora platycladi CFCC 50504T Platycladus orientalis China MH933645 MH933679 MH933552 MH933610 MH933516
Cytospora platycladicola CFCC 50038T Platycladus orientalis China KT222840 MH933682 MH933555 MH933613 MH933519
Cytospora populina CFCC 89644T Salix psammophila China KF765686 KF765702 KU711007 KU710969 KU710930
Cytospora populinopsis CFCC 50032T Sorbus aucuparia China MH933648 MH933683 MH933556 MH933614 MH933520
Cytospora pruinopsis CFCC 50034T Ulmus pumila China KP281259 KP310806 KP310836 KU710970 KP310849
Cytospora pruni-mume CFCC 53180T Prunus mume China MK673067 MK673097 MK673037 MK673007 MK672954
Cytospora quercinum CFCC 53133T Quercus mongolica China MT360045 MT360033 MT363982 MT363991 MT364001
Cytospora rosicola CF 20197024T Rosa sp. China MK673079 MK673109 MK673049 MK673019 MK672965
Cytospora rostrata CFCC 89909T Salix cupularis China KR045643 KR045722 KU711009 KU710974 KU710932
Cytospora schulzeri CFCC 50042 Malus pumila China KR045650 KR045729 KU711014 KU710981 KU710937
Cytospora shoreae MFLUCC 21-0047T Shorea sp. Thailand MZ356515 MZ356519 MZ451158 MZ451166 MZ451162
Diaporthe eres CBS 145040 Lactuca satia Netherlands MK442579 MK442521 MK442634 MK442663 MK442693

means the type strain.

ITS, internal transcribed spacer; LSU, large subunit; act1, actin; rpb2, RNA polymerase II; tef1-α, translation elongation factor 1-α.


The strain isolated in this study.