수박에 오이녹반모자이크바이러스의 토양전염과 예방대책 |
최국선, 김재현, 김정수 |
Soil Transmission of Cucumber green mottle mosaic virus and Its Control Measures in Watermelon |
Gug Seoun Choi, Jae Hyun Kim, Jeong Soo Kim |
Abstract |
Soil transmission ratio of Cucumber green mottle mosaic virus (CGMMV) was 0.2 to 3.5% in watermelon growing fields naturally infested with the virus. Biological activities of CGMMV lost after 17 months in moist well-aerated soil but still continued more than 33 months in waterlogged soil. To inhibit the virus infection through soil, the roots of watermelon seedlings were soaked in 10% solution of skim milk prior to transplanting. The seedlings treated with skim milk solution were not infected, while 5.0 to 7.6% out of control seedlings were infected. The roots treated with skim milk were coated with membrane around the roots under scanning electron microscope. |
Key Words:
Cucumber green mottle mosaic virus, Skim milk, Soil transmission |