참다래 궤양병 발생상황과 시설재배에 의한 방제 |
고숙주, 이용환, 차광홍, 이승돈, 김기청 |
Occurrence of Kiwifruit Bacterial Canker Disease and Control by Cultivation Type |
Sug Ju Ko, Yong Hwan Lee, Kwang Hong Cha, Seung Don Lee, Ki Chung Kim |
Abstract |
To investigate occurrence of kiwifruit bacterial canker disease, 172 kiwifruit orchards in Jeonnam and Gyeongnam provinces were surveyed from March to April in 1999. In the south coast region of Korea, such as Haenam, Wando, Jindo, Jangheung, and Bosung, red-rusty brown bacterial oozes were observed in 17 kiwifruit orchards. Disease incidences varied from 2.2% to 100% depending on various regions. Total 22.8 ha of kiwifruit orchards were destroyed by occurrence backerial canker at 1999 in Korea. Orchard in Wando, Jindo, and Goheng were severely damaged in 1999. The seasonal variation of bacterial canker incidence was also investigated from 1996 to 1997 on leaves, vines and twigs of kiwifruit. Red-rusty brown bacterial ooze was exuded from mid February or early March to late April in creaked site of vine and twig. The seasonal incidence of bacterial canker on leaves appeared from late April to late June, and rapidly increased during May. Optimum growth temperature of Pseudomonas syringae pv. actinidiae was at 25oC on King`s B medium and did not grow at 33℃. We suggest that spreading of bacterial canker was suppressed under the plastic flim and windbreak net house. |
Key Words:
bacterial canker, cultivation type, growth temperature, kiwifruits, Pseudomonas syringae pv. actinidiae |