Bacillus subtilis 균주의 기능성 분석 및 이를 활용한 고추 흰가루병 방제 |
김용기 ( Yong Ki Kim ) , 홍성준 ( Sung Jun Hong ) , 심창기 ( Chang Ki Shim ) , 김민정 ( Min Jeong Kim ) , 최은정 ( Eun Jung Kim ) , 이민호 ( Min Ho Lee ) , 박종호 ( Jong Ho Park ) , 한은정 ( Eun Jung Han ) , 안난희 ( Nan Hee An ) , 지형진 ( Hyeong Jin Lee ) |
Functional Analysis of Bacillus subtilis Isolates and Biological Control of Red Pepper Powdery Mildew Using Bacillus subtilis R2-1 |
Yong-Ki Kim*, Sung-Jun Hong, Chang-Ki Shim, Min-Jeong Kim, Eun-Jung Choi, Min-Ho Lee, Jong-Ho Park, Eun-Jung Han, Nan-Hee An and Hyeong-Jin Jee |
Organic Agriculture Division, Department of Agricultural Environment, National Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Rural Development Administration, Suwon 441-707, Korea |
Received: September 12, 2012 Revised: September 20, 2012 Accepted: September 24, 2012 |
Abstract |
The multi-function of 18 Bacillus subtilis isolates collected from agricultural extension centers of local government and National Academy of Agricultural Science was investigated by measuring their antifungal activities against five plant pathogens, such as Rhizoctonia solani, Colletotrichum acutatum, Fusarium oxysporum, Magnaporthe oryzae and Phytophthora capsici, phosphorus solubilization ability, production of indole acetic acid (IAA) and siderophore, and nitrogen fixation. The B. subtilis isolates showed antifungal activity against several plant pathogens and nitrogen fixation activity, and produced siderophore and IAA. They could control pepper powdery mildew (Leveillula taurica), but there was no difference in control efficacy among the B. subtilis isolates. In fields, the control efficacy of B. subtilis R2-1 (108 cells/ml) was compared with two microbial fungicides, Q-pect and Topsid. In 2009, the control efficacy of B. subtilis R2-1 (37.7%) was lower than that of Topsid (47.6%), but higher than that of Q-pect (25.7%). In 2010, the control efficacy of B. subtilis R2-1 (83.3%) was higher than that of Topsid (67.9%). In order to elucidate mode of action of B. subtilis R2-1 for controlling pepper powdery mildew, spore germination rates of pepper powdery mildew pathogen collected on treated leaves was investigated when suspensions of B. subtilis R2-1 and two microbial fungicides (Q-pect and Topsid) were foliar-sprayed. They highly suppressed spore germination of the pathogen with inhibition values of 84.2% for B. subtilis R2-1, 97.9% for Q-pect and 94.7% for Topsid. Further study on the mass-culturing method and formulation is needed for development of a microbial fungicide. |
Key Words:
Antifungal activity, Bacillus subtilis R2-1, Indole acetic acid, Nitrogen fixation, Pepper powdery mildew, Siderophore |