당근 검은잎마름병원균 Alternaria dauci의 포자 발아에 미치는 환경인자의 영향 |
박경훈, 윤혜정, 류경열, 윤종철, 김세리, 김원일, 김두호, 권영석, 차병진 |
Influence of Environmental Factors on Conidial Germination of Alternaria dauci |
Kyeong Hun Park, Hye Jeong Yun, Kyoung Yul Ryu, Jeong Chul Yun, Se Ri Kim, Won Il Kim, Doo Ho Kim, Young Seok Kwon, Byeong Jin Cha |
Abstract |
Effects of temperatures, relative humidity, pH, and dry periods on conidial germination of Alternaria dauci were evaluated under in vitro conditions. Conidial germination was accelerated at over 95% relative humidity in 15oC to 25oC condition. Conidial germination was rapidly reduced at 5 regardless of relative humidity conditions. More than 50% of the conidial germination were initiated within 2 h at 25oC through pH 5 to 7. The highest conidial germination of A. dauci was on 0.2% of carrot leaf extract. Conidia could survive longer than 12 h, even though its germination decreased. After a 12 h dry period, around 10% of conidia revived and germinated when conidia were hydrated again. These results could be used as the useful information on conidial germination of A. dauci and ecology of Alternaria leaf blight. |
Key Words:
Alternaria Leaf blight, Daucus carota, Environmental factor, Spore germination |