피에서 분리한 Fusarium fujikuroi의 동정 및 벼 키다리병의 전염원 가능성 |
최효원, 이용환, 홍성기, 김완규, 이영기, 천세철 |
Identification of Fusarium fujikuroi Isolated from Barnyard Grass and Possibility of Inoculum Source of Bakanae Disease on Rice |
Hyo Won Choi, Yong Hwan Lee, Sung Kee Hong, Wan Gyu Kim, Young Kee Lee, Se Chul Chun |
Abstract |
Bakanae disease symptom were observed in barnyard grass in paddy field in Heanam, Jeonnam. The infected plants were blighted and white mass of spore were formed on the stem. Fusarium species were isolated from infected stem and the isolates were identified as Fusarium fujikuroi based on their morphological and molecular characteristics. The isolates of F. fujikuroi were assigned to reference of F. fujikuroi among related Fusarium species based on the translation elongation factor 1-alpha gene sequence. Pathogenicity of the fungal isolates was confirmed on seedlings of rice and barnyard grass by artificial inoculation. The results indicated that barnyard grass can be inoculum source of Bakanae disease on rice. Thus, effective weed management is necessary to Bakanae disease control and healthy seed production. |
Key Words:
Barnyard grass, Bakanae disease, Fusarium fujikuroi |