국내 고추 역병균의 병원성 분화 |
이상준, 박용주, 김흥태, 김병섭 |
The Race Differentiation of Phytophthora capsici in Korea |
Sang Jun Lee, Yong Ju Park, Heung Tae Kim, Byung Sup Kim |
Abstract |
This study was examined to identify the race differentiation and distribution of mating type on Phytophthora capsici population in Korea. One hundred forty three isolates of P. capsici were collected from several locations of Korea in 2005-2007. In 2005, 20 isolates of P. capsici were collected and surveyed as A1 mating type of 75% and A2 mating type of 25%. In 2006, a total of 91 isolates were collected and separated as A1 mating type of 49.0%, A2 mating type of 42.9% and S type (sterile) of 3.3%. Isolates obtained in 2007 were similar to 2006 results. Totally, ratio of mating type of 153 isolates was confirmed that A1 type was 56.6%, A2 type was 39.2%, and S type was 4.2%. Thirteen pepper cultivars with different pathogenic response to 3 typical isolates having different mating were screened among 50 pepper cultivars and determined as race differential cultivars for investigation. The 11 races of P. capsici were found by using 13-race differential cultivars. These results indicated that at least 11 races of P. capsici are existed and confirmed race differentiation of P. capsici in pepper. |
Key Words:
Mating type, Phytophthora capsici, Phytophthora blight, Race differentiation |