ZYMV 감염시기가 오이 생육 및 수량에 미치는 영향 |
고숙주, 김도익, 강범용, 김선곤, 이용환, 최홍수 |
Effect of the Infection Times by Zucchini yellow mosaic virus on the Yield and Growth in Cucumber |
Sug Ju Ko, Do Ik Kim, Beom Ryong Kang, Seon Gon Kim, Yong Hwan Lee, Hong Soo Choi |
Abstract |
We investigated the effect of the infection times and infection degrees at transplanting time of Zucchini yellow mosaic virus (ZYMV) on the growth and yield of cucumber plants at the semi-forcing and the retarding culture in 2007. When cucumber was inoculated with ZYMV at transplanting time, 15, 30, 45, 60, and 75 days after transplanting, vine length, internode length, number of leaf of the plants and marketable yield largely decreased as the cucumber infected earlier. The regression models were obtained between the disease incidence levels at 20 days after transplanting as the inoculation degrees and the marketable yield of cucumber: y = 9333.1e-0.0317x (R2 = 0.8946) at the semi-forcing culture and y = 14695e-0.0303x (R2 = 0.8735) at the retarding culture. And the cucumber yield loss regression models between the symptoms incidence days from the final harvesting time and the rates of yield decrease were expressed as y=1.0851x - 6.7067 (R2 = 0.9567) at the semi-forcing culture andy=1.0439x + 2.1321 (R2 = 0.9674) at the retarding culture. |
Key Words:
Cucumber, Infection times, Yield, ZYMV |