토끼풀에서 분리한 Peanut stunt virus의 성질 |
정구호, 전용운, 최장경, 홍진성, 류기현, 이상용 |
Some Properties of an Isolate of Peanut stunt virus Isolated from White Clover (Trifolium repens L.) |
Goo Ho Jung, Yong Woon Jeon, Jang Kyung Choi, Jin Sung Hong, Ki Hyun Ryu, Sang Yong Lee |
Abstract |
An isolate of Peanut stunt virus (PSV), named as Tr-PSV, was isolated from white clover (Trifolium repens L) showing mosaic symptom. Tr-PSV systemically infected all plants tested in the Nicotiana spp. and induced local lesions on inoculated leaves of Chenopodium amaranticolor. However, Tr-PSV induced typical mosaic symptoms as ER-PSV on Vigna unguiculata 5 to 6 days after inoculation, while Fny-CMV used as a control virus of Cucumovirus produced local lesions on inoculated leaves. In dsRNA analysis, Tr-PSV consisted of four dsRNAs, but satellite RNA was not detected. The cDNA of coat protein gene of Tr-PSV was amplified by RT-PCR using a Cucumovirus-specific single pair primers that designed to amplify a DNA fragment of approximately 950 bp. By restriction mapping analysis using RFLP of the RT-PCR products and by serological properties of gel diffusion test, Tr-PSV belongs to a typical member of PSV subgroup I. This is the first report on the occurrence of PSV in white clover in Korea. |
Key Words:
Host reaction, Peanut stunt virus subgroup I, RFLP, White clover |