Cylindrocladium spathiphylli에 의한 스파티필럼 뿌리썩음병 |
한경숙, 박종한, 한유경, 정승룡 |
Petiole and Root Rot on Spathiphyllum Caused by Cylindrocladium spathiphylli in Korea |
Kyung Sook Han, Jong Han Park, You Kyoung Han, Seung Ryong Cheong |
Abstract |
In 2005 and 2007, petiole and root rot of Spathiphyllum spp. was occurred at commercial greenhouse during summer (June-September) in Koyang city and Yongin city, Kyunggi-do, Korea. The pathogenic fungus was isolated from diseased plants and the cultural and morphological chracteristic were observed. Conidia were rod in shape, 1-3 septa and 67.5-95.0×4.8-6.5 μm (av. 82.0×6.0 μm) in size. The optimum temperature for the mycelial growth of the isolates was 27oC. According to result the pathogenicity test, first disease symptoms appeared five days after inoculation. On the basis of mycological characteristics and pathogenicity test on host plants, the fungus was identified as Cylindrocladium spathiphylli. This is the first report on Spathiphyllum spp. caused by C. spathiphylli in Korea. |
Key Words:
Cylindrocladium spathiphylli, Petiole and root rot, Spathiphyllum spp. |