Xanthomonas hortorum pv. hederae에 의한 헤데라 세균성점무늬병 |
이승돈, 이정희, 한경숙, 서상태, 김용기, 허성기, 나동수 |
Bacterial Leaf Spot of English Ivy Caused by Xanthomonas hortorum pv. hederae |
Seung Don Lee, Jung Hee Lee, Kyoung Suk Han, Sang Tae Seo, Yong Ki Kim, Sung Gi Heu, Dong Soo Ra |
Abstract |
English ivy (Hedera helix) in Araliaceae family is an evergreen climbing vine. A severe bacterial disease of English ivy was observed and investigated in January 2005. Initial symptoms on the leaves appeared as small water-soaked lesions on the lower surface. As the spots enlarged, the center became brown to brownish black and greenish-brown water-soaked, irregular margins surrounded the center. The spots developed into large irregular blotches, sometimes 5~10 mm in diameter, then coalesced. Finally, the water-soaked margins raised, dried out, became corky and broke in the center. A bacterial organism, isolated from the advancing margins of the lesions, was tested for its pathogenicity according to the Koch``s postulates and biochemical and physiological tests identified the isolated bacterium as a Xanthomonas. The representative Xanthomonas strains (SL4821 and SL4822) isolated from English ivy were compared with a reference strain X. hortorum pv. hederae for fatty acid profiles, metabolic fingerprints and 16s rDNA sequences, showing that all outcomes were indistinguishable between the representative and reference strains. This is the first report of bacterial leaf spot of English ivy in Korea. |
Key Words:
Bacterial Leaf spot, Hedera helix, Xanthomonas hortorum pv. hederae |