벼 생육시기별 흰잎마름병 발병이 쌀 수량감소 및 미질에 미치는 영향 |
노태환, 이두구, 박종철, 심형권, 최만영, 강미형, 김재덕 |
Effects of Bacterial Leaf Blight Occurrence on Rice yield and Grain Quality in Different Rice Growth Stage |
Tae Hwan Noh, Du Ku Lee, Jong Chul Park, Hyeong Kwon Shim, Man Yeong Choi, Mi Hyung Kang, Jae Duk Kim |
Abstract |
We investigated the first symptom emerging date of rice bacterial leaf blight disease during four years from 2002 to 2005. The disease occurrence date was earlier 20~30 days in 2005 than that of 2002. The damage in different rice growth stage by the bacterial disease on rice yield and grain quality in southern part of Korea was examined. The disease decreased rice yield following by increased infection rates. Slight loss in rice yield and brown head rice rate were observed at below 10% level of infected leaf area, while over 25% infected leaf area caused the significant decrease in rice yield and brown head rice rate. More than 50% of the infected leaf area rate caused 29% yield reduction in case of infection at panicle formation stage and 18% of brown head rice rate. Cooked rice quality was also affected in the diseased rice by damage in palatability score and viscosity. |
Key Words:
Bacterial Leaf blight, Growth stage, Quality, Rice, Yield |