Characteristics and Control of Pear Scab (Venturia nashicola): A Review
Eu Ddeum Choi, Janghoon Song, Ho-Jin Seo
Res. Plant Dis. 2023;29(2):101-107. Published online 2023 Jun 30 DOI:
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Genetic mapping of two quantitative resistance loci to Venturia nashicola in an interspecific pear family
Kyungho Won, Eu Ddeum Choi, Keumsun Kim, Il Sheob Shin, Seongsig Hong, Cécile Segonzac, Kee Hoon Sohn, Cecilia H. Deng, Lester Brewer, David Chagné, Vincent G. M. Bus
Tree Genetics & Genomes.2024;[Epub] CrossRef