Inhibitory Effect of Cheese Whey on Cucumber Mosaic Virus and Pepper Mottle Virus in Capsicum annuum
Bong Nam Chung, Sun Jung Kwon, Gug Seoun Choi, Ju Yeon Yoon, In Sook Cho
Res. Plant Dis. 2020;26(2):103-108.   Published online 2020 Jun 30     DOI:
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Inhibitory Effects of Pepper Mild Mottle Virus Infection by Supernatants of Five Bacterial Cultures in Capsicum annuum L.
Venkata Subba Reddy Gangireddygari, In-Sook Cho, Sena Choi, Ju-Yeon Yoon
The Plant Pathology Journal.2022; 38(6): 646.     CrossRef